If you still shave your whiskers using a cartridge or a modern disposable razor it is only because you do not know the benefits of shaving with a safety razor from Rockwell Razors for instance. Corporate shaving companies will have inquisitive advertisement on how their razor will get you the perfect shave. Truth be told, you do not have to use different razors or blades to achieve a close shave. With Rockwell Razors for example you will get close shave at a lower price with a single and double edge razor blade. One of the advantage of using a razor from a reputable company like Rockwell Razor for example is the cost. When you use a safety razor the cost for replacement that you have been used to earlier goes down. This is because you are able to purchase a 100 blades for a cheaper price that will last longer that what you have been using. This post on reasons why you need to use a safety razor, you will learn the benefits of a safety razor as compared to modern day razor blades. Click and learn more now. For specific information, try to go to this site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Razor.
A safety razor from Rockwell Razors delivers quality shave. The problem you will have with a multiple shave razor is each blade counts as one pass over the skin, therefore in one stroke you have 3-5 passes on the skin depending on the number of blades you have. But with a safety razor you have more control on the shave and it only requires fewer passes. The result is better shave and the skin will not be irritated. Again when you are using a safety razor is that you are lowering impacts on the environment. You need to dispose a single blade when you are changing, but with cartridge razors you will throw lots of plastic every time. With safety blades there is a small learning curve when you are changing as compared to safety razors. There is a level of precision with safety razor that lacks on the common razor blades. This product is easy and safe to use and because there is, little learning curve you get to perfect with time on how to achieve a clean shave. A safety razor is a cut above the rest and choosing the right one is very important. If you are new to shaving, save yourself from the hassle and get a safety razor from Rockwell Razors for example. Click here and discover more.